Monday, August 24, 2009

New theory...

As I noted in my previous post, my Uncle George is in Denver to visit Dad. He is Dad's only brother and wanted to see him after his whirlwind cruise this summer. So, after seeing him for a few short hours and then watching him take the header on the sidewalk, Uncle George has a new theory to add to the mix...

Dad is actually fine and has been smokescreening all of us! Now that he's at Sue's house we were on to him and about to figure out that he was just trying to get some attention, so he took the header to distract us for a while.

I love it! We will add this as Theory #5, to the 4 listed in the previous posting. #6 theory is offered up by my brother-in-law Jeff. His theory is Dad is trying to keep the over-under interesting on if he'll actually make the Tontine Lunch at the Beer Canvention.

Got a theory? We'd love to hear them. Post a comment with your theory on why Stubborn Ol' Dad did a swan dive on the sidewalk today. We'll vote on our favorite and the winner gets a special prize. Be careful what you wish for. You may want to trade in the prize for the box on the floor. Which we'll have to step over to get to Dad and pick him up again...


  1. Theory from John Bachmann:
    Hank is just trying to get more medical deductions for his tax return - save those receipts . You're gonna need them.
    from Connie Bachmann: I just realized that the HERBST FAMILY NEWS (marked as a "favorite" on my computer) is listed right under "Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers" which was used for Vacation bible're in good company?
    Love to all of you and feel better soon.
    JB and CB

  2. It wasn't a swan dive. It was a half back flip.

  3. Joey and I saw the X-Games 3D movie last weekend. The jumps and tricks were amazing, but we were even more surprised to see Uncle Henry's run in the Extreme Vert competition! Wear a helmet next time please!!!

  4. I think he had a hidden stash of Schlaflys that he got into!!
    Nick Till
