Thursday, August 13, 2009

At a Loss...

I really just don't know what to say. I know it's hard to imagine that I am at a loss for words, but it's true. After another couple of good days, Dad has thrown it in reverse again. The old Murphy's Law 'Anything that can go wrong, will,' is now being renamed Henry's Rule. Or maybe we'll name a new scientific theory of ratios after him that has something to do with 2 good, then 1 bad. It appears he is sticking with the pattern of 2 good days and then a retreat. Someone more clever than I can come up with a good name for this.

On Monday and Tuesday he was using words like awesome and great, haven't heard those adjectives since then. Wednesday started a downhill slide. Not only is his stomach not working, but his intestines were heading in the wrong direction on Wednesday night due to a gastric ileus. The man absolutely hates to throw up and he loves to sleep...Wednesday brought a sleepless night of vomiting, so you know he was hating today! They've shut off his feeding tube for 24 hours in the hope that the ileus will go away on its own. So, now add to the list that he'll be hungry. Anyone who has seen Dad have to wait until 12:05 when lunch is supposed to be at noon, knows what a bear he is when he's hungry. Haven't we all felt a little sorry for the waitress who messes up his order? Well, transfer that sympathy to the nurses until that feeding tube gets turned back on. We don't know what the course of action is if the ileus is still present after 24 hours. Guess I'll dive into my medical dictionary and learn some new long as I don't have to type 'stomach surgery and NG tube' again.

In addition to the ileus, they found a small blood clot in his left arm this afternoon. So they're changing his blood thinner meds. You know it's been a bad day when the man who has had 2 strokes is diagnosed with a blood clot and nobody is really worried!!! As he said once before, he's the luckiest unlucky bastard and that pattern is holding true.

If he sticks to his 2 up, 1 down rotation, then tomorrow is a good day. I'll be writing the blog as the friggin' bluebird of happiness. Today I'm just pissed at the unrighteousness of it all. We love you Dad!

Guess I was able to come up with a few things to say :)

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