Friday, September 4, 2009

36 Hours to Takeoff...

While Mom and Dad are counting down the hours until they come home (about 36 from this posting) big things are happening. First, Dad has not only been released from the surgeon, but he is finished with all treatment in CO. Which means he is coming home tube free! What an amazing feeling after having stuff stuck in him for 2 months. Family here is scrambling to get the homestead ready...things like cleaning up the evidence of the last party the neighbors and I had at Mom and Dad's house...I'm suddenly flashing back to high school when they'd go out of town...hmmmm....

The biggest news is thanks to Tom Schlafly and all the other great people at Schlafly, who if I tried to name them all would fail, so we'll lump them all into Schlafly's Greats, Dad has been named the Honorary Chair of their annual Hop in the City event this month. What an incredible honor!!! Come hell, highwater, or being carried in on Denny's (my husband) back, you know that Dad will be there. In Tom's monthly article on the Schlafly website he writes about Dad and this amazing thing they've done for him. I'm a little afraid that when Dad reads the article his head will swell so much that he'll blow his stitches out of his scalp, but it's a risk worth taking. Tom has a way with words. Here's a link to his article: Thanks from all of the Herbsts to Tom and the Schlafly Greats! We will definitely see you at the event in a few weeks.

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