Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Waiting Game Continues...

First some good news! Celeste came home yesterday and is doing very well. Thank you for all of the prayers.

Dad's progress continues to be much slower. They did the endoscopy on Friday and found that the blockage at the point where the stomach attaches to the intestine is due to a stricture. Basically just swelling and some tissue, nothing serious, but it's still not functioning properly. During the procedure they removed the NG tube, which was the tube through his nose to his stomach that was pumping out the bile. They did not replace the tube. So, on the good side, the tube is finally gone. On the bad side, he's now dealing with nausea and has gotten sick a few times since then.

So, what now??? The first option provided by the surgeon, is apparently not going to happen. This option was that the stricture, which they expanded during the endoscopy, would stay open and it would start to drain. Since he's still getting sick, that didn't work. So, on Monday the surgeon will do the second option, which is to perform another endoscopy and be more aggressive in expanding the stricture (the last endoscopy was done by the GI doctor). If this doesn't work, they'll have to go in and surgically remove some of the tissue blocking the drainage. That would be option 3. Obviously we are all hoping that what's behind door #2 will be the winner.

Still nothing besides ice chips. Hopefully, Monday will bring better news. We'll keep you posted.


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